Friday, February 11, 2011

Mandatory Carbon Monoxide Detector Law...Comes July 1, 2011

Thursday morning February 10, 2011 was the weekly meeting of the Pasadena Foothills Association of Realtors MLS meeting.  We had one person on our agenda, attorney  Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. of Richardson & Harman, PC - our Associations legal counsel.  Those agents who actually take the time to go to our weekly meetings are able to stay abreast of any changes that take place and can quickly get the information out to the community and most importantly - to our clients. With that, here's the topic!
New Law Re: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
  1. Carbon monoxide "CO" accounts for approximately 500 non fire related deaths per year averaging 23 deaths in California annually.
  2. SB 183 Lowenthal - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2010 is the law to research.
  3. Deadlines for the Installation of CO Detectors:  July 1, 2011 for Single Family Dwelling Units and January 1, 2013 for all other existing dwelling units.
  4. This law applies to residences with fossil fuel burning heaters or appliances, a fireplace or an attached garage.
  5. See manufacturer's instructions for how many to install and where.
  6. Violation Consequences:  30 days to correct after initial notice and a $200 fine thereafter.
  7. Private remedy for failure to comply - $100.00 exclusive remedy
  8. List of Approved "CO" detection devices - by State Fire Marshall
  9. ***Possible 6 month delay in deadline - if the State Dept. of Housing and Community Development and Fire Marshall determine insufficient supply of devices.
For further information go to Center of Disease Control Fact Sheet on "CO" Simply copy and paste
State Fire Marshall web site:

Carbon Monoxide detectors range in price form just a few dollars ($6.00) and upwards of $45.00 depending on maker and model, so shop wisely.

For further information on this subject I direct you to the government website

As always, providing you the latest information to simplify your lives - and protect you!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Preservation Pays!

Preservation Pays

Thursday is the biggest day of the week for Pasadena area Realtors. We meet for our weekly MLS meeting and then we pour out all over the city and adjoining communities to preview homes for our clients! Some of the homes we preview are for our buyers and some are for us to be able to properly price our comparable listings.

In an area with such significant architectural specimen properties - designed by some of the worlds greatest and best known architects, it falls upon me to be able to distinguish the artis/architect and the significance of their creation. In other words, it isn't just about square footage and a pool, it is about the aesthetic, the line, the use of light and nature and placement and materials and much more than this. It means a higher value for the homeowner.

I belong to the Pasadena Foothills Association of Realtors - along with so many other world-class Realtors. I take it upon myself to go the extra mile. I belong to the Cultural Heritage Committee and educate the public as well as my colleagues on the property that they have been blessed to inhabit or are making an effort to market.

We are the elite in our profession and we are the most knowledgeable as to the significance of the region that we live in and the magnificent historical and architectural homes that gave me impetus to name my blog "The Chocolate Box of Real Estate - Pasadena."

For anybody contemplating changing a significant and/or architecturally designed structure in any way, I would like to direct you to an outstanding resource that is FREE to the public. The Cultural Heritage Committee painstakingly created a booklet to give to our clients, customers and affiliate members interested in preservation. Please go to: where you should be directed to the booklet, "Preservation Pays." If you have any problems accessing this site - do not hesitate to contact me and I will mail you the hard copy of the booklet. Open your eyes to your fantastic environment and understand what it is exactly - that makes it so special and worth preserving!